Through this program, you will deepen your personal healing, and support your professional development. You can increase the intimacy and joy in your own life, and also feel empowered to earn a joyful, soulful livelihood as an Intimacy Educator.
You will learn to support people in:
·     practicing empowered choice and voice
·     understanding the neural learning zone
·     addressing sexual trauma and neglect
·     finding sexual healing and well-being
You’ll learn to offer:
·     trauma-informed touch
·     sensual massage
·     genital mapping, massage and de-armouring
·     transformative erotic rituals
This online course includes one-one email and zoom support from Caffyn Jesse – a leading teacher in the field of sacred intimacy and somatic sexual wellness.
Healing and Pleasure
Powerful original writings explain the science and art of sacred intimacy
We can learn to rewire and transform
How to Touch
Building a vocabulary of touch and integrating the erotic at the pace of trust
Caffyn says, "I am interested in touching souls, and being touched in ways that welcome other souls. I know that souls can be lost, and also loved into what is deeply true. I celebrate the erotic, and - from the inside – I know about trauma, shame, violences and silences we are trained to endure in the erotic realm. When we touch someone, we touch their whole history, their deepest wounds, their secret identity, their healing powers, and their most profound capacities for joy. I want to touch and be touched in ways that honour this."
Caffyn says, "My Intimacy Educator Training program works well for lots of different people. Here’s some examples:
Many of my students are health care practitioners – psychotherapists, massage therapists, counsellors, yoga teachers, psychedelic guides – who know there's something missing from their training. Prohibitions on the erotic inhibit access to the core of people’s woundedness, and the wellspring of their wonderfulness. Professional codes of ethics unethically prohibit touch, even in the face of overwhelming scientific evidence that touch deprivation is literally lethal. Prohibitions on touch and eroticism set up a sexy forbidden zone that lures vast numbers of helping professionals into boundary transgressions that do egregious harm. The Intimacy Educator training helps helping professionals to understand, and ethically navigate, touch, eroticism, and intimacy – so they can make their work more effective, loving and joyful.
This online version of my Intimacy Educator Training is accessible to people with no particular ambition to be Intimacy Educators. The program is a resource for anyone who wants to address sexual trauma and/or neglect, and invite more loving touch into their lives.
I first developed this training as a professional development program for fellow sex workers, who reached out to me for a place to learn how we could amplify the healing, joyful aspects of our work, while better managing the challenges. It’s a program designed to help make sex work even better.
I feel good about the way the Intimacy Educator Program is organized, so each person who comes can adapt it to their particular longings, while I support them in their own unique version of learning."
Course Curriculum
- Course Outline Intimacy Education (e-book)
- Welcome to the Program (Video introduction)
- What is Intimacy Education? (Video)
- Goals for this Module
- Outlaws' Journey (e-book)
- Intake Form and Process
- Intake (discussion video)
- Special consideration for Friends/Practice Partners
- For Clients: Finding a Practitioner
- Enriching Intentions e-book
- Introduce yourself to Caffyn
- Zoom support
- Intimacy Educator: the book
- Welcome to this Module
- Goals for this Module
- Extra support for BIPOC students
- Empowering Choice and Voice (e-book)
- Empowering Choice and Voice (Discussion Video)
- Somatic Exercises for Empowering Choice and Voice (demo videos of Somatic Alliance, Thank the No, Yes-No-Maybe and Feel and Defend Your Boundaries)
- Neural Learning Zone (e-book)
- The Neural Learning Zone (discussion video)
- The Neural Learning Zone posters
- Quadrants of Touch (e-book)
- Quadrants of Touch (demo videos)
- Quadrants of Touch (discussion video)
- The Relational Matrix (includes demo videos of Sacred Space, Welcome Home and Bossy Session)
- Becoming Satisfyable
- A Song and a Poem
- Check in with Caffyn
- Welcome to this Module
- Goals for this Modules
- Learning to Choose Pleasure (e-book)
- Vagal Fitness: Cultivate Erotic Energy with Breath (demo videos)
- Sensual Massage (e-book)
- Build a Vocabulary of Touch (demo video)
- Sensual Massage (demo video and handout)
- Sensual Massage (discussion video)
- Sensual Massage: Practical Magic (discussion video)
- How to Touch (demo video)
- A Song and a Poem
- Optional Reading: Vulnerability Warrior
- Connect with Caffyn and Fellow Students
- Welcome to this Module
- Goals of this Module
- Genital Anatomy (e-book)
- Genital Drawing and/or Writing
- Special Considerations for Professional Practice
- Special Considerations for Friends
- Genital Mapping (Discussion video)
- Genital Mapping and Massage (e-book)
- Transforming Touch (discussion video)
- Genital Massage demonstration videos
- Genital Massage Strokes - posters
- A Song and a Prayer
- Connect with Caffyn